Nature versus Technology versus Life

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I find myself at a crucial point in my time. Unsure of the future and questioning everything. My world is seemingly never contained. Never solid or stable. I counter everything, and argue the validity of all that I know. I see the fallibility in all that humanity knows,
and I feel uneasy in my own skin.

Then, by chance I passed upon a photo of a grouper fish swimming amongst
the smaller schools of fish that follow it for food sources.
I suddenly saw an image there not related yet completely similar.

It made me think of how technology is imitating nature; how the world is inevitably smaller than the troubles that make it huge and desolate. I thought of similar images, and suddenly my life became tiny and much storyboarded. 
Suddenly I saw a jet fighter from the grouper. Crazy.

I hope you enjoy these comparisons. I hope that, if you have experienced life in a similar way, you find some validation in these pictures, for the sense of smallness
and control they can deliver unto the plight... of being.

BANG!! - Badstone Music - 2010


So it is, apparently, that everything has already been done.
Everything man does is but a reflection of the basis of life upon this rock.

It would seem that everything of humanity, to its source,
is merely a reflection of the life that spurred it on.

It would be the truth then that we as humans, reflect everything in nature,
within the very processes we use to destroy it; the very nature that gave way to us.

It comes to pass, that our very existence comes to be played out again and again, as sordid as it may be, within the tendrils of nature's web, no matter how detailed or complex.

In the end, we seemingly mirror everything, within and without of ourselves. No matter how we defy the ends and limitations of this world and its physics. We push back against the truth, even as it is laid before us over and over again; even as it summons its own imagery to show us the futility of our meandering ways.

Are we lost, and misgiving against the world? Are we as a species,
simply too young to understand or remember that we are merely part of this world,
and not the controller of it as suspected through generations.

Let the truth shine through in these images.
More of these to follow... as they come to me.

That's it for now.
Scott out.

Badstone Music
