Lighter fair today. Animtaed gifs. Facebook and Twitter wont allow these and the process to get around is too time consuming for me, especially when I invested so much time in this wonderful blog
I have done a couple of these animated gifs myself in the past, but nothing as funny as the ones Im posting here today. JEEZ these are good... at least to me. I hope you all enjoy them.
That Chunk is sure hard to take down, eh? |
Huh, who knew... Conan was a Raver?! Wow. |
Ok, this episode of SpongBob was the one when the Flying Dutchman lost his scariness. I remember this part of it very well. So cool! |
Who says Kirk was the only stud on the Enterprise? |
I've got nothing for this one. It's just funny. |
Imagine this girl's career as a Nascar driver! Damn, I wish I could do that with training wheels. |
Cool! |
Well that's it for this entry.
Cheers all!
Badstone Music, out!