Funny Stuff


Lighter fair today. Animtaed gifs. Facebook and Twitter wont allow these and the process to get around is too time consuming for me, especially when I invested so much time in this wonderful blog

I have done a couple of these animated gifs myself in the past, but nothing as funny as the ones Im posting here today. JEEZ these are good... at least to me. I hope you all enjoy them.

That Chunk is sure hard to take down, eh?
Huh, who knew... Conan was a Raver?! Wow.
Ok, this episode of SpongBob was the one when the Flying Dutchman lost his scariness. I remember this part of it very well. So cool!
Who says Kirk was the only stud on the Enterprise?
I've got nothing for this one. It's just funny.
Imagine this girl's career as a Nascar driver! Damn, I wish I could do that with training wheels. 

Well that's it for this entry.
Cheers all! 
Badstone Music, out!
