Is there any hope?

Is there? I ask sincerely every time I watch the news or read the papers and see the corruption and crap spilled forth by all levels of government.

They steal from us; they cry poor but find money enough to give themselves raises. They raise taxes and remove the most basic services from the already insurmountable tax burdens; they look for easy ways to balance the books [on paper] by relying on increased taxation instead of finding ways to reduce bureaucracy - God forbid if they should have to do something like that. Or find any sensible solution, as it may involve work or an effort in time.

I sometimes think the PTA could do a better job... oh wait scratch that, I have seen trustees get money and power hungry as well.

Spin doctors; lies; semi-truths; the killing off of the middle class; profiteering; big brother epidemics; the furthering positioning of the wealth against the underclasses... UUGGHH!!

Enough already! Isn't it time for us to take back our power? Do we not still live in a democracy [at least on paper]? When did we start working for them? We elect them to work for US, for our betterment, not the other way around. Piss on them if that is the way they want it. The Americans did along time ago before forgetting what democracy meant. We COULD do it again.

Wouldn't it be grand... to be part of something that special and empowering? Wouldn't it be a great thing to realize we were finally heard, and respected, and listened to by those that currently look down their noses at each and every one of us?

Food for thought.
