Dark Wood - S. Hunter McNair

Dark Wood

gone is the time for crying
gone the days of repentance too

all is flesh and left to smoulder
here on the plain

terrible how it works
how the days pass slow to fast
until no seat belt will hold you in the car

gone moreso, the belonging felt in these burned years
even before most of our times here
the good turned to mould without complaint nor time to try

fear drove the free world out of the warm womb
and here we are
each alone and sordid
addicted to each and every thing you can think of
clamoring desperately for one last thirsty memory of 'something' we each remember
now lost, whether pain, pleasure or sound or touch

before the world sped up
and we each realized we were now someone else
maybe becoming to our parents... just for icing on the cake

each ofus losing time and tracing memories from our younger years
trying to stay within the lines as we recall
as clumsy as preschoolers even at our ripe ages

where did it all go?

that time for crying
those days of repentance

when did we all start to wither and fade
how did we get here

the ever expanding distance between all of us where closeness once existed
are we all going to our own private graveyard

if so why does it have to happen so methodically

cant we go into the dark quickly and without such life long preparation
cant we hold onto even a piece of the time and faith that once rendered us each invincible...
when we could do anything we wanted to

what really happens in this time for each of us
what is it that happened?

we have all become dark wood on damp soil
and for all our advances we cannot change
the base determination not look out and see it
we blindly follow the internal habits

we run wild behind race horse blinders

i sigh
i cry
i remember how it is to run for no reason

i see the dark wood
i see it soak in the damp soil

dont you

lust was always sweet
time always slow
everything delicately savoured though we could not tell
flesh at the ready
all within command of an intuitive hand

and then
like wind

fresh warm and pale
like a beach...
heralding faded time

now in time each of us has come to dark wood on damp soil
and as such we too sink into the murk

on mercury's heels

<scottHunterMcNair. March 20, 2008>
